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Pao Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy Miami, Coral Gables, Coconut Grove - Pao Hypnosis

What is Hypnotherapy? 

Hypnotherapy is therapy while you are in the state of hypnosis. 

Hypnosis is a natural state of your mind that you go in and out of throughout the day. For example, when you’re daydreaming or you’re driving. Have you ever noticed when you’re driving and you arrive at your destination; and you don’t quite remember how you got there? That’s because you were in a state of hypnosis. 

When you are in a state of hypnosis, you are able to communicate directly with your subconscious – where all your habits, behaviors and beliefs live.

Email Paola today at to get started and book a free consultation call; and change your life.

 Why Hypnotherapy?

We tend to struggle to change something about ourselves because our mind does not like change. Our mind likes what is familiar. 

Let’s say, for example, you want to start eating more nutritious foods. So you tell yourself, “I’m going to start eating only nutritious foods; and I’m going to fruits, vegetables, and healthy proteins.” 

Your conscious mind is your gatekeeper and it protects your subconscious mind from change. This gatekeeper, your conscious mind, will check with your subconscious to see if you’re currently eating those nutritious foods. And if you are not, it will not let the thought “I’m going to eat only nutritious foods” through to your subconscious. 

Changing the habit of eating unhealthy, processed foods to eat nutritious foods is difficult when we do it with our conscious mind. However, when you are in a state of hypnosis, your nervous system is relaxed and your conscious mind is relaxed. So we are able to by-pass your conscious mind (your gatekeeper) and we’re able to talk directly to your subconscious mind during your therapy session. 

This allows us to upgrade your habits, behaviors, and beliefs to see real change.

Email Paola today at to get started and book a free consultation call; and change your life.

Who is hypnotherapy for?

Hypnotherapy is for anyone who wants to make a change in their life.

Can you relate to any of the scenarios below?

Maybe you want to change your relationship with food, stop emotional eating, or put an end to your sugar addiction. Hypnotherapy can change your relationship with food leading to weight loss and many other health benefits.

Maybe you suffer from fear of flying and it is difficult for you to get on a plane. Whenever you step on a plane you feel you have thoughts that you’re going to die and see a plane as a flying coffin. Hypnotherapy can help you make flying pleasant, easy and comfortable. 

Maybe you suffer from anxiety. Going out to do something new or meet strangers gives you anxiety. Hypnotherapy can reduce your anxiety overall.

Maybe speaking in front of a group of people makes you very nervous. Your voice shakes. You get sweaty. Your stomach cramps. We can use hypnotherapy to make you a confident and relaxed speaker that connects with their audience.

Maybe you have a lack of confidence at work and don’t put yourself forward for promotions.  

Maybe you find yourself distracted and making yourself busy whenever it comes time to work on your business or passion project. Hypnotherapy can make you excited and focused on what’s important to you.

Maybe you have money blocks. Hypnotherapy can make you comfortable discussing money, asking for money, and negotiating for more money.

Maybe you have low-self esteem and you have a constant critic in your head tearing you down. Hypnotherapy can change that critic into a cheerleader that motivates you and celebrates you.

Maybe you are having issues accepting parts of yourself that you think your family or friends might not approve of. Hypnotherapy can make you proud of who you are and feel safe to claim your place in the world.

Maybe you struggle with needing to control every aspect of your life. Hypnotherapy can help you let go of the things that don’t matter while still feeling safe and loved.

Maybe you lack confidence in specific aspects of your life. Hypnotherapy can help you believe in yourself in every aspect of your life: career, love, family, friendships, connection, you name it.

Maybe you want to quit smoking. Hypnotherapy can make you a non-smoker.

Maybe you have looping negative thoughts. Hypnotherapy can help you have looping positive thoughts that uplift you.

Maybe you suffer from back pain. Hypnotherapy can help you live pain-free.

Maybe you think you’re not lovable and will never find love. Hypnotherapy can help you understand you are lovable and deserving of love.

Maybe you struggle getting a good night’s sleep or suffer from insomnia. Hypnotherapy can help you drift into the most deep sleep.

Maybe you feel you are not good enough or feel stuck or overwhelmed. You’re not living your best life. You prioritize others’ happiness over your own. You want to break free from something else not listed here that has been holding you back.

We can make real change happen with all of these scenarios using hypnotherapy to help you reach your goals and change your life.

Email Paola today at to get started and book a free consultation call; and change your life.

Pao Hypnosis: Hypnotherapy Testimonials

Hypnotherapy Testimonial: Back Pain – Andrea (Miami, Florida)

“For the last 10+ years, I’ve had chronic back pain. I would wake up with back pain almost every day. It was just part of my life. I finally decided to address it and see Paola for a hypnotherapy session for my back problems. 

It’s definitely not an overnight fix, but it is miraculous. I had my first session five months ago and I now barely have any back pain. My sedentary lifestyle was destroying my back. I needed to move more and exercise more in order to heal my back but I lacked the motivation. In my hypnotherapy session we addressed my lack of motivation to exercise and move more. It’s incredible how after only one session, the next week I was already walking every day. Later on I increased my exercise to strength training and yoga and loved it. I remember years ago, I would work out, but I dreaded waking up early and hated every minute of it. I couldn’t wait for the workout to be over. Now I genuinely look forward to my daily exercise. The hypnotherapy session unlocked something in my brain regarding my motivation. I now look forward to my daily walks and yoga sessions. I am active every day and enjoy simple house chores that I would usually hate doing because I just was tired all the time. I’m so grateful now, my whole life has changed. 

We also addressed my relationship with food and I now enjoy eating healthy. I enjoy having a salad for dinner. I look forward to my salad and it’s been a game changer because in the past I would diet and I couldn’t wait to finish the diet so I can eat a big bowl of pasta or hamburger and fries. Now I’ll have my nutritious food and I’ll be super satisfied. It’s been easy to remove sugar from diet which I had tried to do so in the past and failed. I now have a healthy new lifestyle.

I was also never a morning person but I am now getting up early every day between 5:30am-7am to get started on my daily exercise. It’s been about five months since I did my session with Paola and I’ve already lost 25 pounds and my back has never been better. The back pain is almost completely gone and I see a light at the end of the tunnel where I can have a life without back pain. I am a much happier and active person because of my hypnotherapy with Paola. Thank you Paola, I am incredibly grateful to you and you have changed my life for the better.” – Andrea (Miami, Florida)

Hypnotherapy Testimonial: Self-Belief – Anonymous (Miami, Florida)

“I recently completed two sessions of hypnotherapy after years of regular therapy, self-education on self-love, and self-compassion, following a challenging period in my life, including a divorce and a relationship with a narcissist. These sessions were nothing short of transformative. After all the work I had done, I felt like I had the knowledge but was missing the key to truly integrating it into my life. These sessions helped me connect the dots and solidify a foundation for new beginnings. The experience has given me clarity and a renewed sense of hope. I now feel ready to move forward with confidence, embracing a future filled with success, love, and health. I highly recommend this form of therapy to anyone seeking to bridge the gap between knowledge and healing.” – Anonymous (Miami, Florida)

Hypnotherapy Testimonial: Fear of Failure (Beaverton, Oregon)

“I went through hypnotherapy with Paola Mendez. We worked on my fear of failure. I would definitely recommend Paola. She is very easy to talk to. She’s really good at getting down to the root cause. During the session we were able to explore some scenes that allowed me to understand my beliefs around this fear of failure. And ever since going through the session, I have been able to overcome many obstacles that I wouldn’t have been able to do. The change has been very subtle; but I definitely can see where I don’t have those roadblocks anymore. I would definitely recommend Paola if you have any issues that you’re trying to overcome – things that you’ve you’ve tried to work on on your own but you just can’t seem to get past them. She’s very good at what she does. Thank you Paola for everything you’ve done for me” – Nora (Beaverton, Oregon)

Hypnotherapy Testimonial: Sugar Addiction – Fernando (Miami, Florida)

“For the past 5 to 10 years I’ve been searching for a hypnotist to help me with sugar addiction, which is a condition that I’ve been subject to for a very long time,  you know 30 – 40 years. And so far I had only found two hypnotists. Both who worked in the Smoke secession type of work and neither had neither of them have been willing to try to treat me for sugar addiction. Recently though, I got to know Paola Mendez. After speaking with her and learning what she did, and doing quite a bit of research, I decided to go ahead and treat her way of approaching such a problem.

 I had a few questions for her before the treatment like is my sugar addiction going to be substituted with some other possibly worse addition addiction? Or am I going to be tied or connected or dependent on a hypnotist for the rest of my life? And what am I going to feel when we’re doing the hypnosis treatment? And will there be somebody there looking out for me? Things that I thought were somewhat of a concern to me before going through hypnosis.

I had never done it before. 

She was able to answer me that not necessarily there would be any kind of substitute addiction that would take over wherever the sugar addiction had been before. That it was a long-term process that it took at least 21 days for me to really go through the transformation that’s required to address such an issue that I would not be dependent on either her or another hypnotist for the rest of my life. That I would be conscious the whole time and I would know what happened throughout the process of the hypnosis. 

So I went ahead and did it with her. I was very surprised of how peaceful and how unobtrusive and non-problematic it was. We basically dug into my past and possible causes of the strong dependency, strong attraction that I had to sugar and anything sweet. And went through her process of doing it.  She did provide, as she had promised before, a recording with certain information that I had to listen to for 21 days. I’m still working on it at this point; but I can tell there’s been a difference. It’s not magic. It’s not a snap of the fingers type of solution that you go in and you come out a few minutes later with a problem solved. It’s something that you continue to have to work on. 

But I can tell you that in the two and a half almost three weeks that it’s been where I noticed there was a difference in that time already. I am more able to withstand not stopping at the supermarket and buying ice cream. Which is something that I would do before. I’m able to say no when there’s sweets around. And in general I feel like there is something there that somewhere within me has changed. I can now have a little more willpower to not have sweets as uncontrollably as I had before.

I’m still listening to her daily recording. I think it helps and I will probably continue to do so for a while until I feel like I’ve achieved my goal of not feeling so tied to sweet food. And hopefully losing some weight and getting into healthier habits. 

Paola Mendez has definitely helped me with this. I recommend you try it. Obviously, do your homework before so you can have your questions answered before you go through the process. It didn’t take a lot of time by the way, it only was about an hour and a few minutes to go through the actual hypnosis and that short process of discovering what could have happened in the past. And I was right back to work. I did it during lunch on a weekday. So other than a little bit of time that it takes, a little bit of cost that it takes, and basically finding out what your concerns are and having them answered before. I recommend you to go ahead and try it. Paola has my information so if I need to help let me know.” – Fernando (Miami, Florida)

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